Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lessons Learned From Lebanon

I haven’t written a blog entry in a while. I created this new blog more than a month ago but the blank pages just kept starring back at me. But I thought today would be a good day to give it a go again. See, a year ago today we left to go overseas. What an amazing year it has been. It has been full and overflowing with some really amazing and joy-filled occasions and cause for rejoicing as well as some tense, stressful, scary, frustrating, confusing and discouraging times. You can imagine that through these times we’ve learned a lot.

I’ve been thinking for a long time (at least six months) about writing an entry about some of these things we’ve learned over the last year. So that is what this blog entry is about but I realized that there is no way I can fit it into one entry, so I will spread it out over how ever many it takes. I pray that this will be a blessing and encouragement to you wherever you are.

So this blog entry is going to be about God, i.e. the attributes of God that He revealed to us in more depth than we’ve experienced before. Much of it is really difficult to even put into words. Here are the biggies: His Faithfulness and His Sovereignty and that He is all-satisfying.

He has shown His faithfulness to us in so many ways. He has been faithful in providing for every need. Here are just a few examples: a heater, a car, strangers to help when our car broke down, quickly selling a car during war-like circumstances, quickly selling our house at a great price, extremely wonderful neighbors, plenty of blankets, all the financial resources we needed, always a place to stay and wonderful people to stay with, and shelter and protection under the leadership of very wise people who graciously took care of us in sticky situations. We’ve seen His faithfulness to draw people to Himself all over the southern part of the country, to plant us strategically so that the people we would see the most were ripe for the harvest. We’ve seen His faithfulness in His presence. He was always with us and always caring for us and watching over us. His presence was very real to me in that little village and even in the streets of Beirut, even at the scariest times. Even in the hardest times, He showed His faithfulness to us through someone sending us a funny email, or a visit from a neighbor hungry to learn about his new-found Savior, or a package in the mail, or an encouraging passage from the Bible or a book (usually an Elisabeth Elliot book!), or a great praise song, or a walk through the village even in the freezing cold, or a breathtaking sunset, or that beautiful mountain outside our kitchen window or just hearing the prayers and songs of His followers in that tiny village, or the laughter of our adult English students, or the sweet greetings and hellos from the principal and little students at the school we regularly visited, or from times spent with American friends in Beirut who became more like brothers and sisters. I’ve read back over my journal a few times and each time I weep because of His very, very obvious faithfulness. This causes me to absolutely delight in Him! He is so good and kind and generous. And it shows me that I really can trust Him!!

Well, I have written a lot, only about faithfulness so I will conclude for now. I will continue about His sovereignty later.

Ps. I haven’t yet put in anything about the About Me page. Hopefully I will get to that this weekend. :)

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