Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Dearest Friend!

Today marks 8 years that Eric and I have been married! Time flies so fast! We've had some really great times together - lots of cross country trips, some crazy adventures overseas, many new friends, hiking, biking, reading, and two lovely, precious boys. It has been so fun and challenging at the same time (not because of him, just the things we've been through together).

I was telling someone our "story" the other day and I was reminded again of God's grace poured out in our lives in bringing us together and in working out so many things in our lives. I am so undeserving of this dear fellow and was greatly reminded of that as I was telling my story. God generously saved me from lots of other bad choices and brought Eric to me. I don't even know if Lebanon was where I was supposed to go that year I met him, but God brought much good and happiness from it.

Eric has been my faithful companion and lover all these years and has put up with a lot from this feisty, highly-opinionated, stubborn gal. Isn't it terrible how the worst traits come out when you are with the people you love the most?

Thank you my dearest friend for loving me in spite of all my faults and for all the wonderful times we've had together. I can't wait to see what God will bring next!

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