Thursday, July 19, 2012

David - "The Godfather"

Finally, he will stand being on his stomach if he's propped up on the boppy. 
So I am sure you are wondering why we titled a post about our youngest after a mobster movie. Well, I was listening to David coo and babble as he does quite often, especially when he's tired, and it dawned on me that he has the voice of the "Godfather" except with a slightly higher pitch. Really, it's kind of low in the back of the throat and very breathy and not really loud at all. Just imagine the "Godfather" trying to sound like a 5 month old and that is what David sounds like!

David is a very laid back little guy. He goes with the flow and just generally hangs out with us if he's not sleeping, which he does still more than most babies I know his age. He takes 3 solid naps and sometimes a 4th cat nap in the late afternoon, usually on the deck in the bouncy seat if it's not 100 degrees or more outside. He usually dozes off in the stroller too. He sleeps from about 7:00pm to 6:30am with no interruption. It is very easy to tell when he gets tired. He just starts his little Godfather coos, gets a little louder until finally he's screeching. But if you get him to bed before the screeching he just goes right to sleep. He loves his crib too. He just smiles when I put him in it. And he's so happy when I go in to get him up. He smiles with his tongue sticking out and kind of acts bashful but has bright, happy blue eyes and looks at me with such delight.

For activity, I guess he does what most babies do. He kicks his legs a lot when he's in the bouncy seat, but this is usually when he's getting tired too. He loves looking at the trees outside and loves looking out windows. He's starting to enjoy being on his stomach a little more, but only if you prop him up on the boppy. I'd say his favorite toy still is his mobile. He also loves his little baby keys that he gets a little crazy with.
Any ideas who he looks like???

He really is pretty content doing just about anything, just about anywhere with or without toys. If he has no toys he enthralls himself with his fingers and thumbs and fist, looking at them closely or sucking and gnawing on them. He's becoming pretty adept at finding and sucking his thumb. He blows tons of bubbles and makes tons of raspberries and experiments with his voice and other sounds. It is so fun to listen to him. He also really likes to be sung too. He looks at you with delight and sometimes tries to sing along too. He's got such a funny little laugh. He goes, "huh, huh."

Sucking his thumb while watching his mobile.

He's a drool monster but there are no signs of teeth. He has rolled over a few times but he's just not into  it that much. In sits in the Bumbo a lot and can pull himself up to sitting in the Bumbo but outside of it, he's a limp rag. He just falls right over if you try to sit him up with nothing around him. Like I said, he's super laid back! I thought Wes was, but definitely not like this! Wes was much more active and spirited. David does like to sit up and see what is going on, just to be an onlooker. It takes things in but doesn't have that intense look of curiosity like Wes had. It just amazes me how you can tell differences in personalities in babies at such a young age. Of course, I'm not expecting them to have the same personality even if they were biological brothers, but I just find it fascinating how even though David is so young I can already see some personality. I think he gets it much more from Eric than from me!

Sitting in the Bumbo in the late afternoon. This is his tired look. 

I've started feeding him some baby food too, just a week or two ago. So far he's only had pears and squash. He makes the most awful face every time I feed him the first spoonful. After a few spoonfuls, he realizes how much he likes it and starts opening up his mouth like a little bird. He does pretty well with it, not too messy. He only eats a little though. He's not such a big eater. He does let  you know eventually when he's hungry and he's gotten on a good schedule (after mamma got a little lax with it for a while). He doesn't really eat a whole lot, on the low end of what most babies his age eat (Wes was always at the top end, which can be typical for a preemie once they figure out how to eat well - trying desperately to catch up) and he guzzles it up really fast. This is such a huge improvement from 2 or 3 months ago when it was taking us at least an hour to feed him!

A funny face after a taste of pears. He likes squash a lot better!

However, you would not know that he is a light eater! He's HUGE! He's wearing 9 month clothes most of the time. They are a little roomy in the girth but not in the length in the footie pajamas. His toes are at the end! I thought he and Wes would be able to wear the same clothes but David is at the end of what Wes wore during summer and we still have a few more months of warmth. All of Wes's 12 month stuff is for the dead of winter - thick, warm clothes and pajamas. But even though he looks beefy and long, it is quite deceptive. He's really pretty light when you pick him up. At his 4 month appointment he weighed almost 14 lbs (25th percentile) and was almost 26 inches long (84th percentile).

Look how big I am!

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Boy! 

A swim with Papa.

He smiles with his eyes! 

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