Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Dear "Little Squeenker" is One!

I just can't believe our David is one year old! Time goes by so fast. It is so hard to believe that this time last year, he was only 6 lbs 11 oz and surprisingly short, given his Papa's genes. However, he grew 2 inches in 2 weeks and has kept up the pace ever since! When he was first born we called him "Grasshopper" from time to time because his legs were so long and skinny. He still has long legs but they are anything but skinny! He has a couple of nicknames in regard to his size like "Gentle Giant" and "Moose". He is already wearing only 18 months clothes and some of those are becoming too small! How is this possible??? His little thighs are so chunky I can hardly get him in some of his pants! So if you wonder why we dress him in rompers in overalls so much, this is why. Rompers and overalls are much roomier in the rump and thigh than a pair of pants!

We call him gentle giant because he really is of the gentle sort. He doesn't get very loud, he moves rather slow, he doesn't pull hair or bite or really make much of a fuss at all unless some other spirited fellow of small stature in our home finds it amusing to take away his toys, bop him on the head or push him over. He smiles a lot and loves doing just about anything. I can leave him playing in his room (to get some time away from brother) for a very long time and I don't hear a peep out of him. He likes to be sung to and likes to cuddle some too.

David loves to get you to imitate him. He makes all kinds of sounds and it is obvious he wants you to copy him. It is so fun. His first word was "hi" and he also says "uh-oh." I think he can also say "mama" and "bear" which sounds like "baa." He also loves to play peak a boo. Some of his other favorite things to do are to empty any kind of container filled with anything. This will keep him busy for a long, long time. And now, he's started to empty things out of one container and put them in another. Today he was simply fascinated with an empty diaper box! He just chattered away at it and crawled in and out of it and put things in it and then took them out. So funny! Lately, the "toys" I see him with the most are some plastic clips that I got for Christmas (that you would use to close up potato chip bags), some wooden stacking rings that he takes with him everywhere, and metal measuring cups.

David is extremely laid back still. He is fine with not holding his bottle and would be just fine with you putting finger food in his mouth so he doesn't have to. He is finally crawling now (he started just 2 days after Christmas at 10 1/2 months) and actually just started pulling up a few days ago. He is just so content with the way things are that it takes him a while to realize he could be doing something else like trying to stand or walk, etc. Of course, I'm not pushing him on this though. When Wes learned how to crawl, he was in to EVERYTHING. I expected as much with David but he really doesn't venture off much and if he does, he's usually slow enough to catch before he gets into something he shouldn't which right now would be the dog water.

Wes really loves his little brother. He calls him "Little Squeenker." I don't know where this came from but I think it is so cute. These two guys really love to laugh together and often it is David who instigates whatever it is they are laughing about by either making funny faces (on purpose), kicking his legs on the floor or crib (Wes likes to climb in with David when I say it is time to get him up), or splashing in the tub (this is one place where David is not quiet and gentle!).

He still loves to sleep. He takes two good naps and sleeps 12 hours at night. He loves his blankie. He has an almost reflex reaction when he sees it and can grab it (usually just in his crib or when reading bedtime stories) - his thumb goes right in his mouth and he nuzzles the blanket with his nose and puts his fingers in the holes. It is really very sweet.

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