How blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. When you know the sovereignty of God and His Lordship over all things, seen and unseen, when you are able to confess Him as the supreme ruler over all things and to confess Him that He is supreme Lord and you are His possession, then at that point you are the happiest of people. You could not get any happier. Nothing could happen that could be so wonderful that it could possibly be better than the happiness you have in the Lordship and supremacy of Christ.
When you know that you are situated in the heart of the most powerful person ever to live, then you can't be more happier than at that point. When you are able to step back into His rest and live in the high tower of His name so that when the enemy comes raging against you, He cannot fine you, that is joy, that is happiness.
How blessed is He whose help is in the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord. The one who made heaven and earth, who made the sea and all that is in it. The one who keeps faith forever. When all your confidence is in the one who made heaven and earth , when everything you need in life is utterly dependent on the goodness, the mercy, the kindness, the love, the grace, the power of the one person who is supreme God above all gods, when your present and your future and your health and your destiny and your life depends totally on the God who works for weak, twisted and deceitful people then you simply have to be the happiest people on the face of the earth because your happiness is built totally on the knowledge that the God who gives favor to weak selfish people, He has given you a unshakeable conviction and confidence in His ability to bring change and power to bear on your life. Therefore, the most wonderful thing that you will ever do with your life is to trust it to the nature of God, to put it in the hands of a God who totally loves you and is deeply committed to you and and delights in helping you. It is the most happy feeling to totally trust the best, the most honorable, the most powerful, the most integrous, committed and faithful covenant maker who is also the most decent person who ever lived, Jesus. Being completely reliant on His character and integrity is the source of your great happiness.
We rest in Your nature. You never change. Everything comes down to us from the Father of lights in whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. You say with absolute confidence "I am the Lord. I change not. I am the same yesterday, today and forever."
Beloved we are learning to live in the paradox of God that He is consistent but He's also unpredictable. He's consistent in His nature. You seldom know what He is going to do next. But you always know where you are with God because He never changes. When Moses said, "God please show me your glory," maybe he was expecting some great light and display of power. And God said, "okay then... I will make my goodness to pass before you." Because the glory of God is the nature of God, that God is good. He's good, He's unfailingly good. God is Good! He is good. He never changes. He will always be good. Yesterday He's good, today He's good and tomorrow He will always be good. He will never change His heart toward you, no matter what you do. He cannot be anything other that what He is. He is a covenant-maker and a covenant-Keeper and He is good.
He is also unpredictable. You never know what He is going to do next. And God has called you to see the invisible and do the impossible. God has not called you to do the things you can do. He's called you to do the things you would never be able to do in a million years.... Only He can do it. But He has called you to live in His faithfulness and His consistency and He will come and do all the things that need to be done. So beloved you cannot find security in what God is doing because God commits you to the outrageous. There is not security in that place. There is only security in who God is. This great God that we serve will throw us into situations beyond us with no other thought than that His great heart will sustain us. and the answer of God to everything, every excuse you make why you cannot do something, the answer is always be the same. When you look into His face and you see the twinkle in His eyes and the grin on His face and He says, "Nevertheless. I will be with you. I will be there." He the great God who sends us out as lambs amongst wolves. Why? Because the Lion is padding by our sides.
The only way we will do what He has called us to is that we are secure in the nature of God... the only way we will seize the moment, to advance the kingdom, to swim against the odds, is if you and I are resting in the consistent nature of God, that you and I have a testimony of what God is really like living in our hearts in such a powerful way that it drives everything. "I am the Lord. I never, ever change."
Beloved, do not be distracted into your journey of the nature of God because it is the source, the wellspring of all your joy, peace, revelation, anointing, your power. And when you learn how to rest in the nature of God and He comes walking with the impossible You will be the one who gets out of the boat to join Him. You won't be one of those wondering or thinking about joining Him. There will be this instinctive, intuitive need to put you leg over the side of the boat and start walking on a substance you have not business being on except that He is drawing you there. It is your destiny beloved. To walk in the nature of God.
He is going to make you perfect in His nature, stamping the image of Jesus on you. That is what the desert is about. Hosea 2:14-15 says, "I will captivate her heart and draw her in the wilderness to speak kindly to her." Out of that place of the desert God will give you the vineyard of fruitfulness. He knows the plans He has for you, the things He wants you to accomplish. He will not rest Himself until you have a revelation of what He is really, really like. Then He will back it up with experience. He is faithful.
From this day on for you there is not such thing as a good day or a bad day. Only days of grace. And some days the grace of God allows you to enjoy what is happening and some days the grace of God allows you to endure what is happening. But don't think about good and bad anymore. Just enjoy the grace that is present. And out of that grace there will be an expectancy. "I know you are going to do something today. I just want to be alive to You so I can see it wait for it, speak it out, live in it, experience it, worship you in it, glorify Your name in it. There are no good days anymore. There are no bad days. Just days of grace, ah? Days of Grace. That you might know Him and rest in Him and live in Him move in Him, worship Him, represent Him